Getting the Player Model added and animated

Brennen Witzens
2 min readAug 19, 2021
Getting the walk and idle animations

Animations help give the gameplay life. It’s similar to how things move in the real world. If you were sliding while running it wouldn’t look correct, as well as be quite inconvenient since you have to move your legs to move.

The picture to the left is the animator. This is a visual representation of all of our animations that we have. Currently we only have 2: Idle and Walk. The arrows between the Idle and Walk blocks are transitions, in which a certain parameter needs to be met before the animation plays. In this case we used a boolean, a true false, on if our character is moving. If Darren is “moving” he is walking, thus the Walk animation shall trigger.

In the previous article, I talked about how I was able to set up the NavMeshAgent to move. Using the destination and a Vector3 (the hit.point value) that is calculated with the mouse click, and checking the distance between the two values is less than one we can turn the Walk animation back off. This allows Darren to go back to the Idle animation once he is at the position that was pressed.

On to the next.

