Intro to Timeline for Unity
“Cut!”, a director yells.
Timeline is a native Unity tool. It’s an animation track that allows you to play and go through sequenced events. Need an animation to play and do certain things? Use Timeline.
It functions similar to a director in a movie setting, in the sense of “micro-managing” the finer details of the shots. Going over a shot once since it worked out or doing it several different ways. You are the person going over the finer details, but you get the idea.
Getting everything working here. So the timeline allows for several different functions. It allows for Animation tracks, it is as it sounds — you use it to animate something over time. You can use it to manipulate an object and have it move up and down while, or you can use it to animate a camera going along a track, such as a Cinemachine Dolly Track/Cart.
The activation track, it allows you to interact with Gameobjects turning them on or off in the scene at points you want them to be turned off. So for this, Darren is stealing the key-card from the guard. At the point he grabs the card, we turn it off.
You can play sounds, you can use a signal which is similar to sending an Event.
Put together it looks like this. On to the next part of the course.