Lining up Audio and Visuals

Brennen Witzens
1 min readJul 26, 2021

Cutscenes are always something special in video games. They’re usually there to tell a story as an introduction, but there could be used for several different reasons. A game over cutscene, a win condition cutscene depending on the game, a boss introduction cutscene.

Depending on the style of cutscene it is, it may have audio attached to it in some fashion. Lining up the visuals and the audio properly is quite important to make the cutscene look good.

While I still need to polish up my visuals to the audio, on an initial take I wasn’t very far off from where everything lined up.

Using Timeline again, I blocked out the scene with multiple Cinemachine Virtual Cameras. Animating them as needed for each of the different views. Then adding in the audio clip, and the audio source I shall be editing the length of the time the cameras are active and when they should change to a different one.

Slowly making me way through the course and this has brought some interesting aspects to it now. The next section will be on Player Movement, after that AI, which I’m really excited about.

